Classification of Lubrication Oil Additive

Lubricantion Oil Additive are Classified as :-

1) Detergent And Dispersant Lubricant Additive:-

  • This lubricant is used to protect the metal surface from sludge formation.
  • When this additive is mixed in lubricant oil then it remove or neutralized harmful product due to which less acidic material is produced.
  • Detergent and Dispersant both are used in same way but detergent work at high temperature deposit and Dispersant work at low temperature deposit.
  • Detergent are soap of high molecular weight which include Sodium, Calcium, Magnesium.

2) Anti Foaming Additive :-

  • In general lubricant oil have a tendency to make a foam due to vibration of engine and foam is thermal insulator, so the temperature of the oil can become difficult to control, hence an anti foaming additive is used to reduce the foaming. 
  • Long chain silicon polymers about 0.05% to 0.5% by weight is used as anti foaming additive.

3) Oxidation Inhibitors Additives:-

  • Engine's metal parts (copper and iron) act as effective oxidation catalysts and oxidation generally increase oil viscosity hence to prevent from oxidation, an oxidation inhibitor is used.
  • Amine, sulphide with metal like tin or zinc is used as oxidation inhibitor.

4) Corrosion Inhibitors Additives:-

  • Due to combustion of fuel in cylinder, a number of by product including acid & water is formed which would corrode the engine parts like bearing, pin etc.
  • To reduce corrosion oxidation inhibitor with the addition of metal salt of thiophosphoric acid is used.

5) Viscosity Index Improver Additive:-

  • Viscosity of lubricating oil is decreases with increasing temperature hence this additive is used to control the decreasing of viscosity.
  • Acriloid plastic is used as viscosity index improver additive.

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