Automobile Lubrication System Classification

Automobile Lubrication System are classified as 

Automobile Lubrication System Classification,Automobile Lubrication System, Lubrication System, Classification of Lubrication System, Classification of Automobile Lubrication System
There are many types of Automobile Lubrication System here we are study one by one :-

Engine Lubrication System :-

  • It is used in automobile engine.
  • It keep cool & clean the engine and reduce friction between moving or sliding components of the engine.

It has three types :-

1. Petroil lubrication system:-

  • It is the simplest form of lubrication system which is generally used in 2-stroke engine. 
  • In this system 2% to 3% of lubricant oil is mixed with petrol and when mixture enters the crankcase, due to high temperature the petrol get vaporized and leaving a thin film of lubrication oil on the cylinder wall, crankshaft and bearing.

2. Wet Sump Lubrication System:-

  • In this system an oil sump is provided at the base of crank case. 
  • From the sump oil is pumped to different parts of the engine

It has two types :-

A) Splash Lubrication System :-
Splash Lubrication System,Automobile Lubrication System Classification,Automobile Lubrication System, Lubrication System, Classification of Lubrication System, Classification of Automobile Lubrication System

  • In this system a scoop is fitted at the bottom of connecting rod and every revolution of camshaft, scoop is dipped in the oil and filled with oil and then splashed the oil on engine component. 
  • It is one of the cheapest method of engine lubrication system which is generally used in small 4- stroke engine.

B) Pressurized Lubrication System :-

Pressurized Lubrication System, Pressurized Lubrication System For an automobile,,Automobile Lubrication System Classification,Automobile Lubrication System, Lubrication System, Classification of Lubrication System, Classification of Automobile Lubrication System
  • The main component of this system is strainer, oil pump, oil filter, oil sprout and oil pressure regulator. 
  • When pump receive power from the engine then it pump the oil from sump through strainer and deliver it through the oil filter to the oil galleries. 
  • Oil from main gallery flow through the hole drilled inside the crank shaft & main bearing and lubricant them. 
  • The main gallery is connected with oil sprout which force oil upward for lubricant the piston and its inside parts.

3. Dry Sump Lubrication System :-

  • This system is generally used in high speed . 
  • In this system at least two oil pumps is used, one pulls oil from the sump and sends it to the oil tank, and the another takes oil from the tank and sends it to lubricate the engine.

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