Types of Stress

Stresses are classified as:-

Normal Stress :-  The stress which acts perpendicular to the area is known as Normal Stress.

It has two types:- 

1. Tensile Stress :- It induced in a body, when body is subjected to two equal and opposite pulls.
  • It is caused due to tension in body.
  • Due to tensile stress body length is increases but area of cross-section of body is decreases.
    2. Compressive Stress :- It induced in a body, when body is subjected to two equal and opposite
  • It is caused due to Compression in body.
  • Due  to compressive stress body length is decreases but  area of cross-section of body is increases.
NOTE :- Generally Tensile Stress is taken as Positive (+) and Compressive Stress is taken as

Shear Stress :- The stress which caused due to tangential force is known as Shear Stress.
  • It is denoted by Greek letter 𝝉 (tau).
  • It is caused by two equal and opposite parallel forces not in co-linear.

Torsional Stress:- When a shaft is subjected two equal and opposite Torque then stress induced in a
                               shaft due to this torque is known as Torsional Stress.
  • It is also known as Torsional Shear Stress.
  • Torsional Stress is find by Torsional Equation.

                               Where, 𝝉  =  Torsional Stress or Torsional Shear Stress induced in shaft
                                            r  =  Radius of shaft
                                           T  =  Torque or Twisting Moment
                                           J   =  Moment of Inertia
                                          C   =  Modulus of Rigidity for Shaft Material
                                           𝜽  =  Angle of twist
                                            ᶩ   =  Length of shaft

Bending Stress :- When a member is subjected a load (Generally perpendicular to its axis), then
                               stress induced in that member due to this load is known as Bending Stress.
  • Bending Stress is find by Bending Equation.

                                              Where, 𝞼 =  Bending Stress
                                                           y =  Distance from Neutral Axis
                                                          M =  Bending Moment
                                                           I  =  Second Moment of Area
                                                          E  =  Young's Modulus of Elasticity
                                                          R  =  Radius of curvature

Combined Stress :- When two or more stress act simultaneously on a body or member then
                                  collectively all stress is known as Combined Stress.

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