When a shaft is subjected two equal and opposite Torque then stress induced in a shaft due to this torque is known as Torsional Stress.
- Torsional Stress is also known as Torsional Shear Stress.
- It is induced in a shaft due to Twisting of shaft.
- Torsion is also caused, if one end of shaft is rigidly fixed and a Torque or Couple is applied at another end of shaft.
- Torsion stress is find by using Torsion Equation.
Where, 𝝉 = Torsional Stress or Torsional Shear Stress induced in shaft
r = Radius of shaft
T = Torque or Twisting Moment
J = Moment of Inertia
C = Modulus of Rigidity for Shaft Material
𝜽 = Angle of twist
ᶩ = Length of shaft
- If we use Torsion Equation then following Assumption must be consider :-
- Shaft material is uniform throughout.
- Shaft has uniform cross-section throughout.
- Cross-section of shaft is plane and circular before torsion and remain plane and circular after torsion.
Maximum and Minimum Torsional Shear Stress in solid shaft
Maximum Torsional Shear Stress :-
Torsional Shear Stress is maximum at Outer surface of shaft.
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