When a shaft is subjected two equal and opposite Torque then stress induced in a shaft due to this torque is known as Torsional Stress.
  • Torsional Stress is also known as Torsional Shear Stress.
  • It is induced in a shaft due to Twisting of shaft.
  • Torsion is also caused, if one end of shaft is rigidly fixed and a Torque or Couple is applied at another end of shaft.
  • Torsion stress is find by using Torsion Equation.
                               Where, 𝝉  =  Torsional Stress or Torsional Shear Stress induced in shaft
                                            r  =  Radius of shaft
                                           T  =  Torque or Twisting Moment
                                           J   =  Moment of Inertia
                                           C  =  Modulus of Rigidity for Shaft Material
                                           𝜽  =  Angle of twist
                                            ᶩ   =  Length of shaft
  • If we use Torsion Equation then following Assumption must be consider :-
  1. Shaft material is uniform throughout.
  2. Shaft has uniform cross-section throughout.
  3. Cross-section of shaft is plane and circular before torsion and remain plane and circular after torsion.

Maximum and Minimum Torsional Shear Stress in solid shaft

Maximum Torsional Shear Stress :- 

Torsional Shear Stress is maximum at Outer surface of shaft.

Maximum Torsional Shear Stress in solid shaft,Maximum Torsional Shear Stress for solid shaft, Maximum Torsional Shear Stress

Minimum Torsional Shear Stress :-

Torsional Shear Stress is Minimum at the Center of Shaft.

Minimum Torsional Shear Stress in solid shaft, Minimum Torsional Shear Stress for solid shaft, Minimum Torsional Shear Stress

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