SolidWork Commands List

There are many commands in SolidWork, here we are discussing some important commands :-

SolidWork Commands, SolidWork 3D Commands

1) Extrude Boss/Base :-

                  It is one of the most frequently used tools in SolidWorks, which enables to convert a 2D sketch into 3D model.
SolidWork Commands, SolidWork 3D Commands, Extrude Boss or Base SolidWork Commands, Extrude Boss or Base SolidWork 3D Commands

2) Extrude Cut :-

  • Unlike the extrude boss, the Extrude cut removes the material from 3D model by using a closed sketch (circle or rectangle etc).
  • You can cut in either one or two or both directions the using the property menu.

Extrude cut SolidWork Commands, SolidWork Commands,SolidWork 3D Commands

Extrude cut SolidWork Commands, SolidWork Commands,SolidWork 3D Commands

3) Revolve Boss/Base: -

  • It enables to add materials to on 2D sketch by it revolving along as center line or any axis.
  • It is actually rotate the sketch along an axis.
    Revolve Boss or Base SolidWork Command, SolidWork Command, SolidWork 3D Command

4) Revolved Cut: -

          By using the Revolved Cut, we can remove the material by revolving a closed sketch around an axis.
Revolve Cut SolidWork Command, SolidWork Command, Revolve Cut SolidWork 3D Command

5) Swept Boss/Base: -

  • It sweeps a closed profile through a open or closed path for making solid object. 
  • This feature helps to create solid part by guiding through a definite path.
    Swept Boss or Base SolidWork Command, SolidWork Command, SolidWork 3D Command

6) Loft Boss/Base: -

  • It helps to create solid model between two profiles in a certain distance.
  • It needs two or more profiles to add materials into it.
    Loft SolidWork Command,SolidWork Command,SolidWork 3D Command

7) Fillet: -

   It creates round internal or external faces of desired radius by using the edges of the solid model.

Fillet SolidWork Command, SolidWork Command, SolidWork 3D Command

8) Chamfer: -

     It helps to cut the edges to a certain angle and creates a flat face on the edges.

Chamfer SolidWork Command,SolidWork Command, SolidWork 3D Command

9) Hole Wizard :-

  • By this you can insert the per-defined hole in the solid body.
  • This feature is very helpful to make fastener holes in the model.
Hole wizard SolidWork Command,SolidWork Command, SolidWork 3D Command

10) Mirror: -

It is helpful to create the mirror of a model.

mirror SolidWork Command, SolidWork Command, SolidWork 3D Command

11) Linear Pattern: -

   It is helpful to create series of pattern in the body of model in linear manner.

linear pattern SolidWork Command, SolidWork Command, SolidWork 3D Command

12) Circular Pattern:-

It is used to create a object pattern in circular manner.

circular pattern SolidWork Command, SolidWork Command, SolidWork 3D Command

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